A brighter future with Arthur Capital

Strive for a future powered by clean energy

Reasons to buy Arthur Capital Token

Monthly Bonus Simulator

What we Build

Take a look on some of Arthur Capital's solar farms

Wanluan Wanhe Power Plant

Jiangjunkouliao Power Plant

Fangliao Zhongshan Power Plant

114,307,400 KW

Total Electricity Generation

2,900 MW

Total Energy Plant Storage

57,282 t

Carbon Emission Reduction

3,766 M USD

Total Investment

The Road Map

During this initial period, we prioritize active engagement with our community, seeking valuable feedback to continuously enhance our project. Concurrently, we will roll out marketing initiatives to increase visibility and adoption of our innovative proposition. In the second year, we shift our focus towards developing new features, propelling the product's evolution. This phase includes implementing advanced functionalities and enhancements to meet emerging market demands, ensuring sustainable and continuous growth for our project.


Frequently Asked Questions